Hannu Hurme Photography

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Wedding updates

I've updated few new wedding photos on the website. I'm also currently reorganizing the site. This is ground work for the next month or two during which I'll add more content here about weddings, product photography and more.

Fells of Lapland

I recently went to Levi and Ylläs in Lapland. These are the most well known fells with ski centers in northern Finland. My trip didn't include any skiing nor did I have much time for photography, but few random reindeer happened to wander on the way of my camera and the result was nice so I decided to put it here.

In The Woods part 5 and 6

It has been a while since the last update. Originally I had thought I would have time to take plenty of photos during the autumn when yellow and red dominates the landscape, but my life proved to be quite busy. I finally had a chance to go into the woods again, this time with my friend Henrik Forsberg.

I had planned to only have one photo per person in this series, but since it's been so long since last shoot and since these two photos were really different from each other I decided to include them both.

Post Product

Good thing about having a product shoot is that you are left with a studio and lights. So Why not snap a photo of yourself while you're at it. This is me in my usual traveling garb. ;)


I haven't really done much in the way of action or sports photography in the past, so it's definetly interesting to try my hand at it. Yesterday I went into a local forest with Marius and took some photos of him cycling on forest paths. We got some good photos but this sort of photography is something I'll have to look more into. It seems that higher sync speed and then adding some flying gravel or dust is needed if you want to freeze action and have a sense of speed and movement at the same time.

Above is another 'action shot' I took while doing the last In The Woods shoot.

259 kilometers on a bike

A week ago I biked 259 kilometers in two days, From Turku to Tammisaari and from there to Helsinki. The idea for this trip came from my sisters husband Marius who bikes a lot almost every day. They live in Stockholm and were coming to Finland to spend part of their summer vacation here.

Unlike Marius I haven't biked at all this year. Earlier this year I've tracked some 100 kilometers and although I'm in decent shape I wasn't exactly well prepared for this kind of trip. I had a rack installed on my bike, got some old saddle bags from my father, tuned my gear and brakes and biked 60 kilmometers a week before the trip and that alone made my behind feel rather sore.

A big thanks to Marius for having patience to go slow enough and listen to my constant stream of complaints when we faced yet another uphill struggle. All in all it was an awesome trip and it was interesting to see I could prevail even though I felt like quitting several times towards the end. Above are few photos from the trip. Biking with out camera and tripod would have been lighter but well... leaving them home wasn't really a choice for me. ;)

In The Woods part 4


Fourth take on the project and somehow it's visually quite similar to the first. I've gotten a lot of ideas and now all I need is some time. Summer is always the busy season and not just photography wise. I've spend most of the last week kayaking and next weekend I've got a 250km biking trip ahead of me. Hopefully I'll get some interesting shots on the way.

Summer night

I was out on the shore to photograph the super moon. There was some fog on the sea that kept it well hidden before it was quite high.

In The Woods part 3


I photographed an old friend from my days in theatre. In The Woods is progressing slowly and every photo I take gives the series more shape. I think it will take two to three more photos before I really know where this series is going.

Among the roots

We took some buried alive images with Anton while exploring Laajasalo.